You've probably experienced situations where your relationships with customers have gotten so far downhill that you wonder if they can even be saved. A key to correcting and avoiding customer success failures is to put yourself in the other person's shoes. When responding to your customer's conversations, try actively looking for things you might have missed before and use the messaging channels they use. We will share with you the easy-to-miss mistakes you can avoid in this blog, where they can adversely affect your customer satisfaction.
#1: Misspelt and Mispronounced
The last thing anyone likes is to be called by their incorrect name, especially a customer who has already provided their correct personal information. This tiny detail will show your customers how little attention you pay to details.
#2: Pushing for Self-Service
Problems will inevitably arise, and without regular engagement, you're unlikely to know they're unhappy, and before you know it, they'll switch to your competitor. Keeping in touch with your customers and asking for feedback can help you avoid unhappy situations. Most companies tend to focus on automated processes, FAQ pages, product guides, and complicated support pages, making customers feel frustrated as if they were written for a machine. In this way, these resources are more effective when combined with human interaction.
#3: Blame Shifting
You cannot expect all customers to learn fast; some may need to learn how to use your product, or maybe they had a bad day. Shifting the blame back to the customer after they make a complaint is one of the worst things you can do. It is never appropriate to use phrases such as 'you should have...', even if the customer were at fault.
#4: Declining without Context
When customers don't receive support when they need it, the entire purpose of having a customer success team is lost. When you decline, whether it's because of your company's policy, terms and conditions, or your manufacturer's fault, it reflects poorly on your company.
#5: Not Addressing Feedback
You can use customer feedback to identify weaknesses in your business and ways to improve them or identify strengths and how to maintain them. However, if you don't take it seriously, most customers will see it as an insult because they took the time and effort to tell you. Customer success must be integrated into the product/development strategy to incorporate feedback continuously.
Final Thoughts
Customer success through Omnichannel.
Say a customer uses live chat on your website to ask a question about the sales quotation. After the support team receives the queries and then forwards them to the pre-sales team, by the time the pre-sales team checks their email and schedules a call, your customer thinks you forgot about them. Your teams must be collaborative and empowered with tools to solve issues quickly. Customers interact through multiple channels, and their preferences have changed over the years. Some people prefer email, while others like messaging apps or live chat right away. Make sure your customers' interactions are integrated across channels and departments.
With our DSM 2.0+ Omnichannel Support (powered by Zendesk), your customers and teams will be able to communicate seamlessly across chats, messages, and support tickets - all of which are integrated with your e-commerce site, CRM, and ERP, allowing you to get a complete digital solution in one place.
If you'd rather get started right away (without any integration), you can just use Zendesk Suite (Support, Chat, Talk & Guide). Zooloo is a Zendesk partner, which means we can help you with everything from sales to consulting, implementation support, system integration, and application development. Please contact us at
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