There is no better primer to Digital Transformation
for the Wholesale Trade than Zooloo’s eBook series.

The Ultimate Guide | Digital Transformation | What it means for the Wholesale Trade
This e-Book is a primer for the SME business owner on Digital Transformation particularly for the Wholesale Trade which is ideally suited to embark on the Digital Transformation journey given its well-defined operations.

Digital Transformation Series: What it means for the Wholesale Trade Sector
Discover the big picture of the Digital Transformation Landscape, and an idea of the five phases of the Digital Transformation Journey.

Digital Transformation Series: Sales Management - Managing your Sales Orders
Dive into the digital transformation of the sales management operation to manage sales orders, products and pricing information seamlessly.

Digital Transformation Series: Purchasing Management - Managing your Suppliers
Learn the importance of supplier management – switching strategy from transactional to creating value in your procurement processes.

Digital Transformation Series: Inventory Management - Visibility on your Stock Status
Explains how stock visibility can impact your business and how critical inventory data can help you position for success.

Distribution Management: Fulfilling your Orders
Redefine order fulfilment agility to reduce the chance of errors and improve the ability to distribute with efficiencies.

Customer Relationship Management: Managing your Customers
Empower you to have unify customer data and keep your sales & marketing aligned with customer.

Workforce Management: Managing your Staff
Get insights on how digital transformation support new skills and capabilities to meet evolving human resource demands.

B2B eMarketplace: Working with e-Commerce Platforms
How to succeed at digital transformation in B2B eCommerce – connect your systems with e-Marketplaces.

Digital Transformation Case Study: Wholesale Trade
A case study for business owner consideration.